Monday, 9 September 2013

God Above Us // God Among Us

It's exciting to trace words through Scripture to get a big picture. Connect the dots with the idea of garments and fringes. These meditations were inspired by Chapter 2 - "God Incomprehensible" of A.W. Tozer's The Knowledge of the Holy.

"The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty."

Our God is so high above us! He spread out the skies, and has been painting them since, with His perfect pallet of colours. He churned up the sea, and has been keeping it in His boundaries since its first wave. He spoke the planets into motion, and has been ordering them in orbit over the years. He invented Earth's watering system, and has been reigning ever since. “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways; And how faint a word we hear of Him! But His mighty thunder, who can understand?” 

We bow low before God on high.

We bow low before God Who came low.

Emmanuel, God with us! He, Who made the sky, came under the sky. He, Who filled the sea, stilled the sea with just a word. The Eternal One stooped to tHis planet to put things back into order. He, Who spoke everything into existence and upholds the world with His Word, spoke not a word before His accusers and was held up on a cross. He exchanged His crown of gold glory for a crown of thorny suffering. And the King, Whose hem filled the temple, Who is holy, holy, holy - walked among us. And a woman who was incurabely sick believed that if she just touched the fringe of the garment of Lord Jesus, she would be cured. And she was cured. He was wholly able to do the impossible.

We fall at His feet and lift our eyes.

And He did not only walk among us and do impossible things, He died for us, to take away our sins. We who realize that we too are incurably sick with sin can be healed. "And by His wounds we are healed!" He laid down His life to rescue and restore our's. And they gambled for His garments and He was laid in a tomb. "We who were once far are brought close through the blood of Christ." And then three days later, according to the Scriptures, He was raised that we might be raised with Him. Those filthy rags of our self-righteousness have been replaced with the garments of His salvation!

And He ascended and is seated back on His throne. So, let our worship rise too, because "His Name is exalted above every name!"  Let us praise His majesty for His meekness. "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!"

Psalm 93:1; Job 26; Isaiah 6; Mark 5:25-29; Isaiah 53; Matthew 27:35; Ephesians 2:13; Philippians 2; Isaiah 61:10; Psalm 103