Saturday, 4 January 2014

365 / 36:5

2014 is here!

Maybe you toasted to it half-heartedly because 2013 broke your heart. Or perhaps you ushered it in with cheers.

Well, either way, believe it or not, ready or not - it's true. The calendars have changed, and we're well under way. Yet, lest we think 2014 is merely another big block of time to do some big things, we must remember that 2014 is really 365 small DAYS, and days are made of hours and hours are made of minutes.

C.S. Lewis well put, “The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever they do, whoever they are.” The "there and then" will eventually, inevitably be the "here and now."

So let us bravely meet this minute, use this present well because of His presence. The past need not be some ghost haunting, nor the future some monster daunting. Surely changes will come, but surely God's unchanging love is here. Certainly tomorrows will have sorrows, but certainly God's joy in the morning and mourning is dependable. Without fail, we will fail, but God has not, does not, will not. 

However you met midnight on the first of this new year, there is no reason to fear about the future. You can say "Come what may!" because God has come and is coming again! 

let our hearts 
inflate once more 
with Gospel hope 
to more than cope,
to triumph 
with His help!

Happy 2014! Cheers to no fears and all faith!

Oh and I find it funny that the same numbers that make up the days in the year make up the very verse we need to heed. Psalm 36:5 -

"Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
    Your faithfulness to the skies."