Beautiful little Chaya is from India, and just recently became an official part of the Smith trio. After many long months of court-dates and confusion, prayers and paperwork, Chaya's adoption has finally been finalized. Love never gave up, and perseverance has paid off! Chaya was once an orphan, but is now a child... the daughter, of two wonderful parents, who will provide for her, love her, and lead her well in this life.
I have come to love this photo below because of what it represents. See the trust that Chaya has, because her father's hands are ready for her. See the gladness of her soul, all over her face. See how carefree she is. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what it looks like to be a beloved child.
All of this is but a depiction of the most glorious adoption of all... into God's international family, for eternal life.
How marvelous to know that because of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, I have God as my Father today and every tomorrow to come... straight into eternity. Today, I am happy at the thought of so secure an adoption. Today, I am humble at the thought of so undeserved an adoption. And every day my Father reminds me that this adoption ought to change how I live every day. Little old rebellious me, adopted by big, kind, exalted He.
Thank You, Jesus.
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